My Story

I’m Following Sparks to go from Empty to Abundant

I felt for too long that creating a successful online business was about formulas and “shoulds.” It’s not. It’s about YOU. From setting a strong foundation through personal growth to following the bright sparks to what really lights you up.

My Mission

I want to share all the resources, tools, tips and tricks I’ve leaned over my 10 year journey of learning to make money online to anyone who feels like this is much more than chasing money.

I’m here for the heart-centered spark chasing magical women who dream of creating their own online business and finding TRUE freedom and success.


I’m a late-in-life, island dwelling mama who was S-T-U-C-K for over 20 years. No woman should ever feel that level of stuck and so I’m on a mission to help women find their magic, one spark at at a time. Starting an online business leads to so much personal growth and confidence and to the financial freedom we all deserve. I guess we’re following our sparks to EMPOWERMENT.

Creating an online business that lights your soul on fire will change EVERYTHING.

Start Your Journey Today