woman looking at computer screen and seeing sparks

Exploring Online Business: A Tool for Women to Rediscover Purpose

September 24, 20246 min read

Why Exploring Online Business Can Help You Find Yourself (And Financial Freedom)

In a world that often feels overwhelming, many women find themselves feeling stuck, lost, or living in survival mode. Whether you're recovering from trauma, healing from difficult relationships, or simply feeling disconnected from your true self, the idea of starting an online business might seem counterintuitive. But what if we told you that exploring the world of online business could be a powerful tool for self-discovery, healing, and personal growth?

The Unconventional Path to Finding Yourself Through Online Business

At first glance, starting an online business might not seem like the obvious choice for a woman struggling to find her voice or rediscover her passion. However, when approached with intention and authenticity, it can be a transformative journey that leads to both personal fulfillment and financial freedom. Here's why:

1. It's a Low-Risk Playground for Self-Expression

woman having fun on a playground

Unlike traditional businesses that often require significant upfront investments, many online business models allow you to start small and grow organically. This low-risk environment creates a safe space for you to experiment, express yourself, and explore your interests without the pressure of immediate success.

By having the freedom to follow your sparks and not worry about choosing THE ONE right spark, you can better listen to your instict and learn to feel comfortable doing something simply because it feels good.

2. You Can Follow Your Sparks

The beauty of online business is its versatility. You're not confined to a specific product or service. Instead, you can follow your curiosity and passion—your sparks. Whether it's creating digital art, writing e-books, offering virtual coaching sessions, or crafting handmade goods, the possibilities are endless. By following what lights you up, you naturally reconnect with your authentic self.

You'll also learn to trust that there are no right or wrong sparks to follow. A big part of the journey is following one spark until it leads you to something you had never thought of or imagined.

3. It Encourages Continuous Learning and Growth

Building an online business requires you to learn new skills constantly. From digital marketing to content creation, each new challenge becomes an opportunity for personal growth. As you overcome obstacles and acquire new abilities, you'll find your confidence growing alongside your business.

4. You'll Connect with Like-Minded Individuals

One of the most beautiful aspects of building an authentic online business is attracting people who resonate with your message and values. As you share your journey and your work, you'll naturally connect with others who understand and appreciate your unique perspective. These connections can be incredibly affirming and supportive, especially for women who have felt isolated or misunderstood.

5. It Provides a Platform for Your Voice

woman holding sparklers finding her voice

Many women struggle to find spaces where their voices are truly heard and valued. Your online business becomes your platform—a place where your thoughts, ideas, and creations take center stage. As you share your authentic self with the world, you'll find your voice becoming stronger and clearer.

When I first started exploring online busineses I quite literally did not have a voice. After two decades of being beat down to beleive everything from my ideas to the sound of my voice were laughable, I rarely spoke up. When I did, my words would get stuck in my throat mid sentence and I'd go silent. I still have screenshots saved of comments people made on some of my first videos telling me how powerful my words were.

The Power of Authenticity in Business

Now, let's address the elephant in the room: the idea that to be successful in your online business, you need to focus solely on making money and follow a rigid set of rules. This couldn't be further from the truth, especially in the online space.

When you build a business based on authenticity and genuine passion:

  • You attract your ideal audience: People can sense authenticity, and they're drawn to it. By being true to yourself, you'll naturally attract those who resonate with your message and offerings.

  • You create meaningful connections: Authentic businesses foster genuine relationships with customers, leading to loyalty and word-of-mouth growth.

  • You stay motivated: When your business aligns with your values and interests, you're more likely to persist through challenges and continue growing.

  • You offer unique value: Your authentic perspective and approach set you apart in a crowded market, making your offerings truly valuable to your audience.

From Self-Discovery to Financial Freedom

POV: you finally know what financial freedom feels like with image of woman holding a lit sparkler

Here's the beautiful paradox: by focusing on self-discovery and authenticity rather than chasing money, you actually increase your chances of achieving financial freedom. How? Because when you create a business that's a true expression of yourself:

  • Your passion shines through, making your work irresistible to the right people.

  • You're more likely to stick with it long-term, allowing your business to grow and evolve.

  • You'll continually improve and innovate because you genuinely care about what you're doing.

  • Your audience will sense your authenticity and be more willing to support you financially.

Taking the First Steps

If you're feeling inspired to explore online business as a tool for self-discovery, remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. Here are some gentle first steps:

  • Follow your curiosity: Notice what topics, activities, or ideas spark your interest, even if they seem unrelated to business at first.

  • Start small: Begin with low-cost, low-risk projects that allow you to experiment and learn.

  • Focus on learning: Prioritize acquiring new skills and knowledge over immediate financial gain.

  • Connect authentically: Share your journey openly and connect with others who are on similar paths.

  • Be patient and kind to yourself: Remember, this is a journey of self-discovery. Embrace the process and be gentle with yourself along the way.


For women who are struggling to find themselves and their voices, exploring online business might sound unconventional. But it's precisely this unconventional path that can lead to profound self-discovery, empowerment, and eventually, financial freedom.

By approaching online business as a playground for self-expression and growth, rather than a race to make money, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities. You give yourself permission to explore, to fail, to learn, and to grow. And in doing so, you not only create a business that's truly yours but also rediscover the amazing woman you've always been.

So, take a deep breath, listen to those tiny sparks of curiosity within you, and take that first small step. Your journey of self-discovery through online business awaits, and it just might lead you to the financial freedom and personal fulfillment you've been seeking all along.

A Gentle Warning

This is my beautiful take on online business NOW. It's important to share that I jumped into looking for ways to start an online business ove a decade ago and I had to crawl through a lot of nasty trenches to come out on this "rainbows and unicorns" side.

I was naive and trusting. I had no idea what the Make Money Online community was about. And I was not prepared for the gaslighting. My journey went through phases from the Super Sleeze to the Good Guys who still valued the sale over all else, to where i am now.

Most people telling you how easy it is to make money online have one value: making money. They don't care about the product or the customer. Even those that do will worship the Formulas. You must leave YOU at the door and blindly follow the steps.

The people who market the online business courses are almost all lost in the hype and excitement of making money. My most loving advice is to stay away from the posts and videos on social media because you will almost always end up losing time, money and self-confidence. And you've had enough of that already.

following sparks is on a mission to go from stuck to sparked, seeking out the tiniest sparks and taking micro actions on a path to abundance in all areas of life

following sparks

following sparks is on a mission to go from stuck to sparked, seeking out the tiniest sparks and taking micro actions on a path to abundance in all areas of life

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