the art of creating space

The Art of Creating Space: 5 Unconventional Techniques to Make Room for Sparks

September 10, 20242 min read

The Art of Creating Space: 5 Unconventional Techniques to Make Room for Sparks

Picture this: You're standing in a room so cluttered that you can barely move. Now imagine trying to dance, do yoga, or even form a simple thought in that room. Not so easy, right? That's what life feels like when you're stuck—no room to move, let alone dance with your passions and dreams.

But here's the good news: We can create space. And no, I'm not talking about KonMari-ing your entire life (though if that sparks joy for you, go for it!). I'm talking about creating mental, emotional, and yes, sometimes physical space to let those sparks fly.

Here are five unconventional techniques to make room for sparks:

1. The "Worry Window"

Set aside 15 minutes each day as your designated "Worry Window." During this time, worry your heart out. Write down your concerns, obsess over them, really lean into it. But when the timer dings? Worrying is closed for business. You've given your anxieties their time, now it's time for sparks to move into that space.

reverse to do list

2. The "Reverse To-Do List"

Instead of a traditional to-do list, start your day by writing down things you won't do. "I won't check email before 10 AM." "I won't say yes to things that don't excite me." By eliminating the non-essentials, you create space for what truly matters.

3. The "Five Senses Reset"

senses. What do you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste right now? Bonus if you can let yourself go into detail with each sense. This simple mindfulness exercise creates a moment of space and presence in a busy day.

4. The "Idea Purge"

Set a timer for 10 minutes and write down every idea that comes to mind, no matter how silly or impossible it seems. Don't judge, just write. This brain dump creates space in your mind and might surprise you with some hidden sparks.

plant growing through a cracki

5. The "Daily Awe Walk"

Take a short walk with the sole purpose of finding something awe-inspiring. It could be a beautiful cloud formation, a kind interaction between strangers, or a flower growing through a crack in the sidewalk. Cultivating awe creates space for wonder and new possibilities. Doing this often nudges your mind to scan for positive things around you which is huge if you naturally look for the negative.

Remember, creating space isn't about achieving emptiness. It's about making room for the things that truly light us up. If it is clicking with you that emotional and mental space are they key to you seeing sparks again, I encourage you to make mindfulness a priority. Mindfulness is such a gentle way to add very small changes that clear space and make huge life changes.

I created a lovely guide and workbook to allow you to easily add mindfullenss to your daily life, even if you are currently a hot mess of STUCK. It's sitting mindfully in my shop waiting for you.

following sparks is on a mission to go from stuck to sparked, seeking out the tiniest sparks and taking micro actions on a path to abundance in all areas of life

following sparks

following sparks is on a mission to go from stuck to sparked, seeking out the tiniest sparks and taking micro actions on a path to abundance in all areas of life

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