spark spotting 101

Spark Spotting 101: How to Recognize Joy in Everyday Moments

September 15, 20242 min read

Spark Spotting 101: How to Recognize Joy in Everyday Moments

Alright, spark seekers, pop quiz time: When was the last time you felt a spark of joy? If you're struggling to remember, don't worry. You're not alone. Many of us have gotten so used to going through the motions that we've forgotten how to spot the sparks of joy hiding in plain sight.

cup of coffee with sparks

But here's the thing: Sparks are everywhere. They're in that first sip of morning coffee, in the way your dog's ears perk up when you come home, in the satisfaction of crossing the last item off your to-do list. The trick is learning how to spot them.

So, let's dive into Spark Spotting 101: Your guide to recognizing joy in everyday moments.

1. Slow Down

I know, I know. You're busy. We're all busy. But sparks have a hard time catching fire when we're rushing around at 100 miles per hour. Try this: Set an alarm on your phone to go off randomly three times a day. When it does, pause for just 30 seconds. Look around. What do you notice? What small joys can you spot in that moment?

2. Engage Your Senses

Joy isn't just an emotion—it's a full-body experience. Start paying attention to sensory experiences that bring you pleasure. The warmth of sunlight on your skin. The smell of fresh laundry. The sound of your favorite song. These sensory sparks are like kindling for bigger fires of joy.

thank you

3. Practice Micro-Gratitude

Forget about gratitude journals for a second. (Unless those spark joy for you—then by all means, journal away!) Instead, try practicing micro-gratitude. Throughout your day, whenever something goes right—even in a small way—pause and think, "Thank you for that." Your coffee is the perfect temperature? "Thank you for that." The traffic light turned green just as you approached? "Thank you for that." You'll be amazed at how many sparks of joy you'll spot.

4. Reframe "Negative" Emotions

Here's a radical idea: What if our "negative" emotions were actually spark spotters in disguise? Next time you feel frustrated, angry, or sad, get curious. These emotions often point to things we care deeply about. If you're frustrated about being late, it might be because you value reliability. Spot the spark in that value!

5. Share Your Sparks

Joy multiplies when shared. Start a spark-spotting conversation with a friend, your partner, or your kids. Ask them what brought them joy today. Share your own sparks. Not only will this help you spot more sparks, but it'll create connection—a mega-spark in itself!

Remember, spark spotting is a skill. Like any skill, it takes practice. You might feel a little silly at first, getting excited about the perfect avocado or a well-timed joke. But stick with it. Soon, you'll be seeing sparks everywhere, and those sparks will light the way to a more joyful, passionate life.

Download our free guide on how to spot sparks and reconnect with your intuition.

following sparks is on a mission to go from stuck to sparked, seeking out the tiniest sparks and taking micro actions on a path to abundance in all areas of life

following sparks

following sparks is on a mission to go from stuck to sparked, seeking out the tiniest sparks and taking micro actions on a path to abundance in all areas of life

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