Welcome: A journey from stuck to sparked

Welcome to Following Sparks: A Journey from Stuck to Sparked

September 09, 20243 min read

"Spark-chasing: It's like bird-watching, but for your soul."

- following sparks


Hey there, spark seeker! Welcome to Following Sparks, where we're all about finding the tineiest sparks and turning them into roaring flames of passion and purpose. I'm Mary, your fellow traveler on this wild ride from stuck to sparked.

woman chasing sparks

What's This All About?

Following Sparks isn't your typical self-help, rah-rah, guru-led mumbo-jumbo. I´m not here to promise overnight transformations or sell you a one-size-fits-all solution. Nope, here we're spark hunters, space creators, and action takers. We're here to rediscover our vibrant, unstoppable selves—one tiny spark at a time.

My Story (The Short Version)

I'm not writing this from a place of having it all figured out. In fact, I'm right in the thick of one of life's most challenging chapters. I´ll be sharing the whole tale, but here I´ll just say that I´m coming out of over two decades of emotional and financial abuse that left me empty in every aspect. Honestly, I feel like the poster child for "If I can do it, anyone can" because my situation is B-A-D bad.

As a lifelong lover of all things self-help, I ran full speed with the "perfect" way out of my situation only to crash head first into wall after wall. Failing when you are already way day is a special kind of low.

But here's the kicker: it's in this very darkness that I began to search for even the tiniest sparks of hope and possibility. And you know what? I found them. Microscopically small, flickering, but undeniably there.

If you want the longer version, it starts with My Journey.

What You'll Find Here

  1. Blog Posts: Packed with practical tips, quirky insights, and the occasional bad pun. (Sorry not sorry.) I will also be sharing regular updates on my personal journey and getting way too vulnerable.

  2. Resources: Tools to help you create space, spot sparks, and take inspired action. These are all presented with the Super Stuck in mind. Probably the non-Super-Stuck among us will roll their eyes at how simple and silly some of this is, but that is because they aren't where we are.

  3. Community: A tribe of fellow spark seekers, all at different stages of rediscovery. (coming soon!)

  4. My Journey: Regular updates on my own spark-following adventures. Spoiler alert: There will be stumbles.

    big check mark with sparks

Why Follow Someone Who's Still on the Journey?

Great question! Here's why:

  1. Real-Time Insights: You're getting raw, unfiltered experiences and strategies as I discover and apply them. No theory - just real-life application.

  2. Authentic Progress: Watch as these methods create real change, even in challenging circumstances. If it can work here, imagine what it could do for you.

  3. Community in Growth: We're in this together. Your insights and experiences are just as valuable as mine. Let's learn from each other.

Ready to Get Started?

Great! Here's your first micro-action: In a notebook or your phone's note app, write one tiny spark of joy you experienced today. It could be as simple as a perfect cup of coffee or a smile from a stranger. Remember, we're starting small here!

Welcome to the community, spark seeker. Let's light up our lives together!

following sparks is on a mission to go from stuck to sparked, seeking out the tiniest sparks and taking micro actions on a path to abundance in all areas of life

following sparks

following sparks is on a mission to go from stuck to sparked, seeking out the tiniest sparks and taking micro actions on a path to abundance in all areas of life

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